Sunday, July 15, 2012

Heat wave

My first patterns are being inspired by the weather. We are currently being steam-cooked by a heat wave that seems to want to stay here forever. Since I'm on maternity leave, I am glad I can stay home and not do much outside. Or am I? Back at the office, I would have AC. But for now, I have to endure the heat with fans all around the house. My thoughts go to all those who work outdoors and those who have long commutes to go to work.
With all this heat, it is also hard to concentrate and I know I have to go back to my pattern drafting or else. So... back to work I go !

Welcome to my first blog post!

Well... here I am! Although I don't feel nearly as ready as I should, I'm diving in, hoping to learn how to swim as I go.
This blog will be about what inspires me, about pattern drafting, fashion, projects and experiments. I am currently building my own line of sewing patterns and I hope you'll like what you see. I'm starting from the ground up, so my products will (surely!) get better as time goes by. Still, I hope that my first versions are good enough for you to enjoy.
So... welcome to my world.